16 November 2008

Summers Day

Of sun and rain
love and lust
And drunken passions
Roasted legs of mutton
Sausages and steak
Crates of beer and bottled wine
Fizzy for the kids
Potato Salad and lettuce too
Naked littlies in sprinklers play
Mums and Dads drink away
The last dying rays of summers
Long long day blended with
Sunscreen and waves
Trees and sand
Last swim kids
Come on now
Hand in hand we walk
Home to bed

31 October 2008

Surprised Musings

Musings on creativity and love
seemingly spontaneous connections
perhaps provided by a benevolent creator
intent upon the happiness of his children
or is it coincidence? A fluke? I hear you ask
did this thing really happen to us
today and yesterday blending, becoming one
creating a hope for tomorrow and futures to come
entwined by bonds of complete surprise
holding back and wanting to enfold one another
in arms of soft supporting warmth
cushioning each from the blows
of life's tempests and tantrums meted out by others
wanting, yearning for the gentleness of lovers
who truly appreciate the value of the other
and yet being free to let our mate be free
encouraging creativity and love to grow
following a path of blissful friendship
into who knows where but what fun
and what passionate hope in each